Advisor, Trainer & Speaker
Prachee Van Brandenburg-Kulkarni was educated as an International Lawyer. She has in-depth knowledge and more than 20 years of experience in international aviation sector, government & regulatory affairs, educational institutions, innovation and connecting Europe-India at the business level. She has served on a number of Boards and has a proven track record in implementing restructuring in organisations, Trained as a life coach from Global NLP, she has had many occasions to further sharpen her skills and diversify into other coaching areas.
Currently she is also an elected Municipal Councillor for D66 in Leiderdorp, Vice-Chairman India Dutch Financial Corridor (IDFC) and Former Secretary-General at ASSOCHAM Europe in The Netherlands.
Having lived, travelled and worked on 6 out of 7 continents from a young age she has the ability to connect at a local and global level. When needed she is able to facilitate in 'shifting perspectives' using her own unique personal approach by drawing from a number of cultures the world over. She remains an avid traveller and loves to read. In short, an apt intercultural translator.